The person in charge of the equipment recovery center of animal "Coffer of Noé" , in Benimantell, Serafín Doménech, has explained, in declarations to EFE, that this enclosure lodges, among others animal, to four Siberian-Canadian bears that "they undergo the exemplary fell the summer more than persons. This animals that were found in an industrial estate of Vigo and which they will be reintroduced to natural means in reserves of the north of Europe, support the high temperatures with icy patches, floods of "soprises" , that they are deposited in the caves of the facilities of Benimantell where they inhabit the bears, has indicated Doménech. "They embrace to the ice bars, trying to eat the fruits that we have introduced in its interior, and thus are better" , it has detailed.
As we can know in this Eurodipity, this ice cream for bears of almost an average meter and of height fills up with a kilogram of big holes, sweet strawberries or other fruits, and remains without melting near six hours. Another one " invento" that Doménech has put at the disposal of these mammals is an ice ball with holes, in whose interior the food is located.
Shadow zones, vaporized water apparatuses abiertos, pools, facilities with material of "termoarcilla", showers with hose and spaces to take a walk are the resources more used by zoological and the centers of welcome, but the own animal have their natural mechanisms to defend themselves of the shame.
We think in Eurodipity that is a good idea!