Friday, November 7, 2008

Celebrations in Benidorm

Today Fridays begin officially the Celebrations Supervisory majors of Benidorm in honor to the Virgin of the Suffrage and Sant Jaume. From the commission of Celebrations one has worked intensely in the last hours so that everything leaves perfectly.
The president of the Commission Francisco Llinares has urged to neighbors and visitors to approach to enjoy the acts and is outstanding the Offering of Flowers of Saturday and the representation of the Finding of the Virgin like acts who does not have to lose nobody.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Terra Natura Halloween Benidorm

Terra Natura will prepare a circuit of activities to enjoy the festival Halloween.
The park of nature and animal Terra Natura de Benidorm is preparation a circuit of activities to celebrate the festival of Halloween, from the 31 of October to the 2 of November.
In addition, all the people who go disguised to the complex will be flattered with a terrorific menu, created for the occasion, that will be able to taste free in one of their restaurants.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Eurodipity: indexacion y posicionamiento con Blogspot

Esto es una prueba sobre la indexación de blogspot, por parte de Google, ya que pensamos que seguramente desde Blogspot (y Wordpress), se hacen pings automáticos en el momento de publicar un nuevo post. También el ejercicio quiere ver si la indexación rápida, tiene incidencia alguna en las Posiciones.

Tomaremos Eurodipity como palabra de búsqueda (porque es la única para la que está optimizado este blog) y veamos la posición en momentos previos a la publicación de esta entrada, en opción inglés: :

Está octavo.
Termino de escribir ésto a las 12:45 del mediodía del 21 de Septiembre (comienza el otoño!).

Actualización 1ª: Una hora después: parece que el ping no se ha hecho, Google no ha indexado la entrada, pero sorprendentemente, en la búsqueda de "eurodipity", el blog ha subido una posición.

Esperaremos un poco más, pero obviamente, la historia del ping, no parece ser siempre 'automática'.

Actualización 2ª: Dos horas después, la entrada es indexada (el ejemplo de hoy no es lo que habitualmente venimos viendo, que por lo general, a los diez minutos son indexados los post).

Pero para mí, lo más interesante de todo ésto: Una vez indexada la entrada, y en cuanto a la búsqueda pretendida "eurodipity", el blog sube hasta la 3ª posición, 5 lugares por solamente haber actualizado.

Actualización 3ª: 24 horas después, vuelve a bajar a la 7ª posición. Digamos que el empujoncito por actualizar nuestro blog (con una entrada nueva), ha durado 1 día.

Monday, September 8, 2008

2º Premio España Eurodipity

Para la Organización de Eurodipity:
blog.eurodipity (@)
bibiberna (@)
Como este blog era de apoyo al, ganador general del Concurso, y los premios no son acumulables, nos hemos enterado por la Organización, que no optamos al segundo premio.
De todas formas, está bien, se hace más equilibrado el tema de los regalitos, así que Gracias y felicitaciones a los compañeros ganadores.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Eurodipity: + concerts

And we talked about music again in Eurodipity, because this 09 of september will be a concert of Revolver.
We say in Eurodipity that it'll begin to 23.00 h. in the Municipal Park El Canyar de les Portelles, of Mutxamel (near Alicante).

We share this video in Eurodipity of Revolver:

Eurodipity: Manolo Garcia

In Eurodipity we show something about Manolo García, that in the last post we told you that he'll do a concert in Elche:

In Eurodipity we like hime!!

Eurodipity: Concerts

In Eurodipity we want to tell you, about some concerts that are expected for this month in Alicante and another cities:

  • 18/09: Manolo García. 22.00 h. Sport City of Elche
  • 19/09: Concert O.T. 2008. Orihuela
  • 22/09: Miguel Bosé. Sport place of Altea
  • 26/09: Opera with Ainhoa Arteta. 20.30 h. Auditorium Adoc of Elda
  • 27/09: David Bustamante. Relleu

Then, Eurodipity wants to share this video with you: Miguel Bose:

Eurodipity: Moors and Christians in Altea

In Eurodipity we can read in Información, that the supervisory celebrations of Altea, of Moors and Christians and in honor to the Christ of the Shrine already have individual announcing posters.
The past Thursday at night the posters appeared in center Social, work of Agustín Vilar (Moors and Christians) and of Alepuz Shelter (Christ of the Shrine). Thus, the previous acts to the celebrations begin majors that we remember from Eurodipity it will be celebrated from the 26 to the 30 of September.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Eurodipity: Bon profit!

If you are nearly of Benidorm this Sunday 7 of September, in Eurodipity we tell you that the Hermitage of Sanç will welcome, to the 13 ' 30 hours, IX the Mostra de Menjars of the Terra, a route by plates and more representative prescriptions of the Benidorm's gastronomy.

In this IX Mostra diverse types of rice like the rice with vegetable, `arròs amb fesols', paella or rice to band will be able to be tasted, among others, besides typical and traditional plates like `olleta of blat', a very old plate of the gastronomy of Benidorm.

In Eurodipity we are hungry with this info, are you? In Valencian: "Bon profit!"

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Eurodipity: Championship Photographic submarine

In Eurodipity we saw today in TV, that Benidorm will be soothes of the Championship of Spain de Photographic Submarine in apnea where the best national photographers will participate representing their different autonomic bunds. Joaquin Teruel, runner-up of the Valencian Comunitat of the discipline, will be the main one for the Valencian Federation in this competition. Ferrer sailor, companion of Teruel in the Escorpa Club, completes the autonomic delegation in masculine category. While, in feminine, Maria Jose Heads, of the Club Nautical Canet d'En Berenguer, will look for top.

As we can know in Eurodipity, the competition, organized by the Federation of Subaqueous Activities of the Valencian Comunitat, will take place Friday and the photographers will realise their captures in different places from the Island of Benidorm. On the other hand, until day 15 of September a exhibition of the best submarine photographies realised in previous editions of the Championship of Spain will be realised in the Exhibition hall of the City council of Benidorm.

Eurodipity is mine

I have remained surprised when, checking links incoming to our Eurodipity, I arrived at a Web in that, not only I did not write, but the one who sign in the Guestbook with full name claims to be the owner of ours eurodipity (and says that visit this eurodipity, which speaks of the Costa Blanca).

I do not know what to think, has been error of the boy when writing? or it is identity usurpation?

(My name isn't Luca, and I'm female)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Eurodipity: summer positive

In Eurodipity we read this morning that in Benidorm, the summer season still to finalize, the summer has been positive and the majority of establishments has not had to resort to supplies of last hour, as it has explained to HOSTELTUR Antoni Mayor, president of the Enterprise and Hotel Association of Benidorm and the Costa Blanca (Hosbec).
“Always there are hotel groups or hotels that realize of which they have been mistaken, for example putting prices very lifted and when the summer arrives realizes and rectifies and puts supplies of last hour, the last week of August”.
But “they are precise things, has been no an invasion of supplies, in case they are 10 or 15 products in all Benidorm”. In fact, it assures that it enters 30 and a 35% “of the hotel plant have practically had full total without to have made no supply”. The slight reduction has affected mainly the national market. “Now a slope between the 1 is anticipated and the 5 of September but the following week it has much sold”, assures.
Eurodipity read this info in Hosteltur.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Eurodipity: Celebair Benidorm

We (Eurodipity) read in Europapress, that the television network ITV, one of those of greater hearing in the United Kingdom, has surrendered to the evidence. After the news articles on located citizen insecurity and wild urbanism in the province of Alicante, the channel has returned to ingratiate itself with one of its main reclamations: the tourist locality of Benidorm.
As we can know in Eurodipity, the latest that ITV has located in their grill is “reality” - Celebair - in which eleven famous ones realise the functions of flight assistants in real passages. The “celebrities”, before entering the contest, realise a training of six weeks like which it confronts a real one. Its functions: the earth invoicing and the own workings of the rest of the crew.
The main argument is the adventures of the “tourists” who go every year to Benidorm, among other things, to benefit from the currency change. We can say in Eurodipity, that the most outstanding elements in the series, obvious, are the sun, the beach, the alcohol and, of course, the bulls. British chain ITV, after its attacks to the tourist model of Benidorm, locates the Altet (airport) as destiny in “reality” where famous.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Eurodipity: OT

In Eurodipity we remember that there are little more than 24 hours so that the Auditorium Julio Iglesias of Benidorm enjoys with OT. Everything an event for fans of this mediatic phenomenon that does not have to confuse, since today it is the last day in which the cheapest entrances will be able to be acquired.
The stragglers that have not been able to secure their entrance or that they are waiting for the last moment to do it, must know that today it is the last day that will be able to acquire it by 25 Euros. Tomorrow the entrances will be available in Kiosco of the Triangular Place and in the Bullring of Benidorm and in the evening in the ticket offices qualified in the enclosure of the audience by a price of 28 Euros.
In Eurodipity you can see more.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Eurodipity: Hotels Magic Costablanca campaign

In Eurodipity we read that the hotels Magic Costa Blanca of Benidorm, has a interesant new campaign “Returned to school with Magic”, a promotion that raises to partly mitigate the cost that the Spanish families are themselves forced to confront in the month of September, when the children and young people return to the classrooms after the summery rest.
Eurodipity can know that of this case, the initiative consists of giving to 166 Euros in `corticoles' (school articles) to the clients who reserve their vacations between days 28 of August and 10 of September in its establishments of Benidorm: Excalibur complex, Hotel Mónika Holidays, Magic Hotel Crystal Park, and Fenicia Magic Hotel. This initiative starts up in collaboration of the prestigious establishments El Corte Inglés, with presence in all Spain, which will facilitate the clients who benefit from the campaign to exchange school articles in their capitals of origin. In any case, the option is contemplated to pick up the money in metalist if it prefers it to the client.
The decided amount (166 Euros) is not fortuitous, since it corresponds exactly to the post that owes the Government to the contributors according to the electoral promise sent by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.
We remember in Eurodipity that this hotels made another importan campaign, it consisted of giving back to the clients 200 Euros to do in front of the gasoline necessary to return to house and the filling of the refrigerator, generally empty after vacations.
As we read in Eurodipity, the managers of Magic Costa Blanca consider that the vacations of summer in the beach do not have to be a reason for oppression for the families, nor either the return to the school. “We set out to help at time of crisis, because we understand that the familiar vacations are a right and not a whim”, say Javier Garcia, vice-president of the hotels.
Eurodipity read this new in Grupo Noticias (and translate as we can ;-)).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Eurodipity: 50.000 persons in l'Olla

The other day we spoke in Eurodipity of the spectacle of pyrotechnics and music in l' Olla, Altea.
And today we can say that more than 50,000 spectators were there. In the daily Information we Eurodipity read, that Ferrocarrils of Valencian Generalitat (FGV) transported to 4,100 travellers in qualified the special services of train in the Alicante-Denia Line, on the occasion of the celebrations of the Castle of l'Olla that Altea celebratedthe past Saturday, according to informed sources into the Valencian Autonomous Government.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Eurodipity: Ice cream to bears in Alicante

A funny news we can read in Eurodipity: Ice creams, ponches of fruits and rains with sprinklers are some of the measures that the welcome centers and zoological parks of Alicante have devised to fight the high temperatures that undergo the animal in their facilities, a confronted summery battle with creativity and taken care of much.

The person in charge of the equipment recovery center of animal "Coffer of Noé" , in Benimantell, Serafín Doménech, has explained, in declarations to EFE, that this enclosure lodges, among others animal, to four Siberian-Canadian bears that "they undergo the exemplary fell the summer more than persons. This animals that were found in an industrial estate of Vigo and which they will be reintroduced to natural means in reserves of the north of Europe, support the high temperatures with icy patches, floods of "soprises" , that they are deposited in the caves of the facilities of Benimantell where they inhabit the bears, has indicated Doménech. "They embrace to the ice bars, trying to eat the fruits that we have introduced in its interior, and thus are better" , it has detailed.
As we can know in this Eurodipity, this ice cream for bears of almost an average meter and of height fills up with a kilogram of big holes, sweet strawberries or other fruits, and remains without melting near six hours. Another one " invento" that Doménech has put at the disposal of these mammals is an ice ball with holes, in whose interior the food is located.
Shadow zones, vaporized water apparatuses abiertos, pools, facilities with material of "termoarcilla", showers with hose and spaces to take a walk are the resources more used by zoological and the centers of welcome, but the own animal have their natural mechanisms to defend themselves of the shame.

We think in Eurodipity that is a good idea!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Eurodipity: tonight Castle of l'Olla

In Eurodipity we want to tell you that tonight it is the Castle of l' Olla in Altea. So if you are near Benidorm, it is a very pretty occasion to see fireworks in the beach with good music.

Every year they attend more than 50,000 people eager to contemplate the game of light, powder and music in a combination in which also they take part, the scenic dance and other arts.

We'll like to go to Altea tonight in Eurodipity, but we don't know if it'll be possible.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our snippet, isn't our (Eurodipity)

It is rare how it is taking Google to our Eurodipity. Besides passing to 2ª page if we looked for the word eurodipity, snippet that shows Google, does not take it from the text from post from eurodipity, Google take it from the RSS of others blogs.
Look at:

Within three months, the Volvo Ocean RACE will be celebrated in Alicante. In that sense, we have known in Eurodipity that continues being fulfilled the ter. - 80k - Cached - Similar pages"

This text is to My Eurodipity Blog List (RSS).
Anybody has seen it in another web?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Eurodipity: Mythical Terra again

In the past post in Eurodipity, we've talked about Mythical Terra, and today, Eurodipity talks about it, again.
Because, the thematic park of Benidorm becomes to attract more public. Mythical Terra opened yesterday the new zone of gratuitous access Ocionía, that occupies 21,000 meters square and in which has invested 8 million Euros.
One is the liberalization of the zone of Egypt, one of the main reclamations of the park since it opened its doors in the year 2000, renewed with new restaurants of fast-food, stores and spectacles. Two of the attractions of Ocionía (Infinitely and the lake) are gratuitous, but in the rest it is necessary to pay by each ascent as if a fair it was.
Eurodipity talks about the same.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Eurodipity: Mythical Terra

Yes, in Eurodipity, today is the turn of Mythical Terra.

Benidorm is the Spanish locality with the greater tourist occupation, concretely a 81.2% of average, according to the National Institute of Estadística (INE). Not even the islands remove advantage to him. It began to remove head in 1925, with the construction of the first villas in the Levante beach, and it was opened in the 50 with a city-planning arrangement directed to the lovers of the sun and beach.
And now, it is another important thing: Mythical Terra, the tematic park of Benidorm!

Their 17.9 degrees of annual average were complemented in the year 2000 with the 750,000 square meters where Greece, Rome, Egypt, Iberia and the islands are distributed. The Mediterranean civilizations of Mythical Terra catch 1.200.000 visitors annually, or what is the same, 6,000 people daily raise their adrenalin with a view to the bay of Alicante.

To the climate and the beach other hooks are added: 80 daily spectacles, that resist the implacable passage of the years. Barbarroja, the boat of pirates in the tematización of Iberia, has been eight years "online".

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Near to Benidorm: Today, Alfaz del Pi

Today in Benidorm web, we want to talk about Alfaz del Pi (so near of Benidorm), in Alicante, Valencian Community (Spain).

Alfaz del Pi is located in the coast of the province of Alicante, about 50 km to the northeast of the city of Alicante. Account with 19,913 inhabitants, and its population is similar to Altea, 55.2% of its inhabitants is of foreign nationality.

Interesting places: Bombarda tower, Parochial church Christ of the Good Success, Beach Racó de L' Albir, Castle of Count de Alfaz.

Another thing to emphasize in Alfaz del Pi is the Festival of Cinema that is celebrated every year, that it does few days was carried out, and in this eurodipity is more information.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Eurodipity presents Altea

Today, in Eurodipity, we talk about Altea, a beautiful city so near of Benidorm.
Throughout 8 km of coast, Altea offers a wonderful beach diversification, coves and cliffs: Beach of Mascarat, the Barreta and the Solsida, there are the most important.

Altea is very special, because the third of the population of the 24,000 is foreign.
It is this one of the populations of Spain with a greater number of foreigners, reason why an office in the City council has been necessary that takes care of its restlessness, suggestions, claims or doubts. In this office of the City council they speak English and French.

See the map

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Eurodipity: Music and theater in Benidorm

There are more activities in the summer of Benidorm.

In Eurodipity, today we talk about: Music and theater.

There will be infantile theater all the Sundays in the audience Oscar Esplá, giving beginning day 13 with the work " Pedro y el lobo". Also will be theater for adults, the days 18 of July and 8 and 22 of August. First of works, " Aquí un amigo" with the actor Jaime Blanch, it will go to benefit of the Association of Mental Patients.

Equally, the cultural program incorporates music the Saturday 19 of July and all the Saturdays of August in the audiences of L' Aigüera and a new musical section that will be at night, the Thursdays of August, 23 hs. in the beach of the Mal Pas, and is free.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Benidorm video in Eurodipity

This is a beauty video about Benidorm, with the places more important and tourism typical. In Eurodipity, we want to share it with you. (The music is to dreem the "siesta", but you can ignore it ;-))

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Eurodipity: campings in Benidorm

When you travel, it depend how much you can pay, how many people you are, you must select in a hotel, apartments or camping.
Today we talk about campings in Benidorm: There are some campings, in the city, so near of the beach.
The list with the more important:
  • Villasol - Avinguda Almirall Bernat De Sarrià 13, 03503 Benidorm - 965 850 422‎
  • Benidorm - Avenida Doctor Severo Ochoa 50, 03503 Benidorm - 965 860 011
  • Almafra - C/ Cabut 25, 03503 Benidorm - 965 889 075‎
  • Depel - Avenida Juan Fuster Zaragoza 16, 03503 Benidorm - 966 807 567‎
  • La torreta - Avenida Doctor Severo Ochoa 11, 03503 Benidorm - 965 854 668‎

To know the location, please, look at the map of Benidorm campings.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Eurodipity: Benidorm map

As we said in Eurodipity, Benidorm is a very important city (and beach) of Alicante (Spain). The mediterranean sea is a fantastic option when we talk of summer.

Look the Benidorm map:

Ver mapa más grande

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Eurodipity: Benidorm all the year

In Eurodipity we think that a good part of the attractiveness of Benidorm is it geographic situation. It has the coast of the Mediterranean with direction south, while by the rest of the cardinal points one, has the protection of mountains, that protect Benidorm of the East winds or the colds of the North.
It is so that Benidorm mainly has a microclimate that is enjoyed, in spring, winter and autumn, is extremely benign, with good temperatures all the year.
Look at the TEMPERATURES average

23.7º C
21º C (water)

31.7º C
26º C (water)

19.2º C
19º C (water)

18.7º C
15.5º C (water)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Eurodipity: Mediterranean "balcon" Benidorm

In Benidorm, there is a great rock that separates the two beaches (the Levante and the Poniente), this rock were used as monitoring system before the attacks of the pirates.

Today their rest are under the most emblematic image of Benidorm, well-known like " the balcon of the Mediterraneo" , with its white stone and its viewpoint. It is of the zones more visited of eurodipity city.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Eurodipity: Benidorm beaches quality

In Benidorm you can find beaches for all the pleasures: Accessible beaches, beaches of blue flag, naturistas beaches.
In Eurodipity tell you about them.

  • Blue flag beachs: Playa Levante y Cala Mal Pas.
  • Accesible beaches (ramps, special walkways to the seashore, signs, amphibian chairs, WC and showers with bathing chairs) : Playa Levante y Playa Poniente.

The three beachs more important of Benidorm, has the "Q" Mark of Tourist Quality, because Benidorms's beaches, comply with certain levels of quality.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


In this blog, Eurodipity, we want to talk about Benidorm, a special and beautiful beach of Alicante, Spain.
